Changes in Car Wash Operations Amid the COVID-19 Crisis
As you are preparing to reopen your car wash amid the COVID-19 crisis, it is essential to ensure the safety of your employees and your customers. It is highly recommended to review the CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting your car wash.
In addition to these guidelines, some practical changes in car wash operations to implement include:
1. Install protective barriers at the cash register.

2. Request that customers use contactless, credit, or debit payments.
If possible, it is a good idea not to handle cash when accepting payments for car washes, car wash supplies, car wash materials, and other services.
3. Place social distancing stickers on the floor.
Make sure to mark off 6-feet spaces so that customers waiting in line can socially distance safely while waiting to pay the cashier.
4. Require customers to wear masks.
Establish a policy where masks are required to be worn by your customers. Masks should always be worn correctly over the mouth and nose. Even if a customer is not getting out of their vehicle, they should still wear a mask when interacting with your employees and paying for their car wash.
5. Remove or block off seating in waiting areas.
To maintain safe social distances while waiting for their cars to be washed and detailed, make sure seating is spaced out. If you cannot remove seating, block it off with tape or signs saying “This seat cannot be used.”
6. Do daily temperature checks of your employees.
Make sure to take temperatures of your employees as they arrive for work. If they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, have them go home. You may also want to take temperatures of your customers as an added precaution.
7. Require employees to wear face masks and gloves.
It is a good idea to have your employees wear face masks and gloves when interacting with customers and cleaning their vehicles.
8. Reduce your normal operating hours to allow time for cleaning and sanitizing.
It can take longer to ensure your car wash is cleaned and sanitized correctly. You may need to adjust your operating hours as such.
9. Limit capacities in indoor waiting areas.
You should reduce the number of customers allowed inside indoor waiting areas based on the size of the space.
10. Allow customers to remain in their vehicles if they are just getting a car wash.
Have customers stay in their vehicles if they are just getting them washed. Yet, be sure to check with your insurance provider to verify you can do this and are not violating any of the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.
11. Install a covered outdoor tent for an outside waiting area.
If you have a smaller waiting room indoors and have space outside, put up a large tent. You can then set up folding chairs that are socially distanced for customers to use while they wait.
12. Limit contact with car wash supplies and items you sell.
You should block off car wash supplies, materials, accessories, vending machines, and any other items you sell at your car wash so customers cannot touch them. Instead, have your employees get the items and hand them to the customer.
13. Have a “rest area” for your employees to take breaks.
Make sure there is a safe space where employees can take breaks and take off masks to rest for a bit. In break areas, maintain 6-feet spacing in between tables and chairs. If you don’t have a break room, you could close off your indoor waiting area and use this space exclusively for your employees.
14. Educate your employees on proper sanitization and PPE.

15. Schedule more frequent breaks for your employees.
As your employee may be outside in hotter weather, it is a good idea to schedule more frequent breaks since they will be wearing face masks. For instance, for every hour worked, give them a 10- or 15-minute break to cool down, get something to drink, and remove their mask in the established “rest area.”
16. Have a laundry bin to place reusable face masks.
If you are supplying reusable face masks for your employees, make sure there is a place to put used masks. Masks may also need to be changed several times during the day, so you will want plenty of clean ones on hand.
If your employees are responsible for washing their face masks, provide them with two labeled zip-locking bags—one to keep clean masks in and another for dirty masks.
17. Use signs to communicate changes and requirements.
Take the time to put up new signs to communicate changes and new requirements with your customers. Display them predominately around your business.
18. Do not be afraid to turn away customers who refuse to follow your policies.
If you have any customers who refuse to follow your new requirements and policies, you have the right to refuse them service. Remind them that your COVID-19 safety practices are no different from a “no shoes, no shirt, no service” policy.
19. Rotate employees to every other vehicle.
For your car wash and car detailing employees, have them rotate every other vehicle so that they have time to change their gloves and wash their hands.
20. Assign two (or more) employees per vehicle.
To maintain a steady flow of vehicles that are getting washed and detailed, have at least two employees work on each vehicle.
21. Encourage and require employees to stay home if they are sick.
If any of your employees have a cough, cold, headache, temperature, or other indications they might be sick, tell them to stay home. Even if they don’t have the coronavirus, they could still have some other illness.
22. Develop a car wash app for automated payments from customers.
Many businesses are rolling out new contactless apps where customers put what they want in their virtual shopping cart and pay for it right from their smartphone. Consider doing the same with your car wash packages, car wash materials, car wash supplies, etc.
23. Reserve set hours and different days for preferred groups.

24. Require customers to make a reservation to have their cars washed and detailed.
Another option for your full-service car wash is to have customers go to your website or use your mobile app to reserve a day and time to bring their vehicles in for washing and detailing. This will help control the flow of traffic and limit capacities to keep everyone safer.
25. Make adjustments, as needed, to your new safety protocols and practices.
We are all in new territory, here, in trying to figure out what the best ways are to reduce the risks of spreading COVID-19 and to keep our employees and customers safe. It is acceptable to adjust safety protocols and practices, as well as anytime new recommendations and requirements are released by the CDC or your state or local government.
26. Don’t forget a disclaimer on signage.
It is important to remind customers that being out in public areas where people are present does increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Verify that any signs and printed materials state this.
Include a generalized disclaimer that your car wash cannot guarantee customers will not be exposed during their visit as well.
By taking the time to implement new safety practices at your car wash, you can help do your part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 while keeping your employees and customers safer.
For car wash materials, car wash supplies, bulk car cleaning supplies, face masks, and more COVID-19 essential products, please feel free to shop online at Superior Car Wash Supply or call us at 800-554-9274 today!